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Closed and Open Abayas Fajr Noor Australia

A Guide to Wearing the Abaya: Open and Closed Abayas

Discover the epitome of elegance with our extensive collection of Open Abayas. Look no further; your quest for the finest Open Abaya Styles ends here. We believe in offering every Muslimah a rich v...

Abaya DesignsSafa Coffee Abaya Muslim Women Fashion Online Fajr Noor

Understanding the Difference: Jilbabs, Niqabs, Abayas, Hijabs, Khimars

In the ever-expanding realm of modest fashion, the curiosity surrounding various garments worn by Muslim women, especially converts is on the rise. Hijab, jilbab, khimar, abaya, and niqab are amon...

BooksNoor upon Noor Book

Inspirational Quotes from Noor upon Noor Book

Looking for Islamic Inspiration? Well we got the perfect book for you. Below are some of the best Islamic inspirational quotes and deen and dunya. They are from the book: Noor upon Noor by the auth...

financeMuslim Money Fiance for Joung Muslims

5 Financial Tips for Young Muslims

Managing personal finances is important for individuals of all faiths. For young Muslims, it becomes even more significant as they navigate both the challenges and opportunities that come with thei...

Khatijah Closed Abaya

Ultimate Abaya Styling Guide: Open vs Closed Abayas

Abayas are a beautiful and versatile garment that can be worn by women of all age groups. They come in many different styles, but two of the most popular choices are open abayas and closed abayas. ...

Hijab TutorialPashmina Hijab Pink

How to wear the Hijab with 5 Easy Steps!

How to wear the hijab with 5 easy stepsThe hijab is not just a piece of fabric worn by Muslim women; it is a symbol of modesty, cultural identity, and religious devotion. Wearing the hijab can be a...